1·This has made it much easier and cheaper to extract gas from shale, coal and other less permeable geological formations (which yield so-called “tight gas”).
2·Oil, gas, coal and timber companies, by contrast, all have to pay substantial royalties, of up to 12.5% of gross income, when they extract from federal lands.
3·In view of complex and changeable background noise in coal mines exploitation, the key question is how to extract the effective AE signal.
4·The way of extract iron from iron briquette by coal under high temperature has studied.
5·After the coal is ground into a powder, a weak mineral acid is added to extract stabilizing additives from the coal.
6·High organosulfur coal (HOSC) is very special in that it is rich in sulfur containing compounds (SCC) in aromatic fraction of extract.
7·Through the summarization for semi-water coal gas tannin extract de-sulfur reformation in Zhisheng Chemical Engineering Company Ltd.
8·The study results indicated that the ability of Soxhlet extraction method to extract PAHs from raw coal is be...